July 3, 2024
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(W) Kelly Thompson (A) Marco Ferrari (C) Lee Loughridge (L) Rus Wooton (CA) Marco Ferrari

Shana “Scarlett” O’Hara is about to take on the most dangerous black ops mission of her career: infiltrating the mysterious rising power in Japan known as Clan Arashikage. Her one lead is her former partner—Jinx—turned Arashikage enforcer.

Now, Scarlett must use her very particular set of skills to survive undercover…and discover a shocking weapon that could change the balance of power on Earth.

Red-hot writer KELLY THOMPSON (Black Widow, Birds of Prey) and artist MARCO FERRARI (FRONTIERSMAN) introduce some of the most anticipated characters to the Energon Universe in ways you’ll never expect!

The Energon Universe continues to build and introduce a lot of familiar faces with a slightly new spin on them and this fan is here for all of it.  

Kelly Thompson is probably one of a few writers that make sense writing this series. Her run on CAPTAIN MARVEL was amazing, and seeing what Thompson can do with Scarlett in just one issue has to make readers excited for what’s to come. This issue opens up and immediately drops the reader into a high stakes situation that allows Thompson from the word ‘go’ to show you what Scarlett can do mentally as well as physically, and readers want to see this because Scarlett isn’t an unknown character. Long time fans of GI JOE know who she is, the question is can Thompson take what we know and tweak her to make her make sense in this Energon Universe. The answer is ‘yes’ without hesitation. 

This issue brings Scarlett into the fray of the larger storyline that has been running through DUKE, COBRA COMMANDER, and TRANSFORMERS. The surprise in this issue is the other characters that are added to Scarlett’s story and how they will play in the larger tapestry of this universe. No spoilers here, but the variant cover art does spoil at least one character. 

Rus Wooton is a veteran letterer and has a lot to work with in this issue and manages to weave in and out of the panels with ease. There are scenes that are filled with heavy dialogue that are helping to move the story and fill in the history of these characters, and Wooton works within the art perfectly. 

The art by Marco Ferrari and Lee Loughridge is solid. There’s a lot going on from cover to cover in this issue and Ferrari doesn’t miss a beat with his linework. Ferrari’s overall style seems a little loose at times, but it works for this issue because of all of the action readers get. Even in those ‘sit and talk’ moments, Ferrari switches that loose style for action to tight linework for solid facial expressions and body movement. Loughridge’s colors are a nice addition to this book, and offer up nice tones to the scenes that sometimes flip back and forth from current day and flashbacks. Thompson’s dialogue is allowed to jump back and forth with each thanks to both Ferrari and Loughridge providing that artistic flexibility. 

This issue is a solid launch for this new miniseries that is adding to the already growing Energon Universe and how the GI Joe team will eventually be built. Scarlett’s role in this will be interesting to see play out, and how these new characters being introduced will establish themselves will be a lot of fun to watch. Highly recommended for everyone reading all of these books, but also something for new readers to try out and see what’s happening. 

About Post Author


Chris has been a comic book fan since picking up ELFQUEST #2 off the spinner rack and the corner store near his grandparents' home in Durham, NC. Since then, Chris has bought, read, and sold more comics than he cares to count. There isn't a comic book series that Chris won't try at least one issue of if you're willing to stay and listen to what he thinks about it.
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